Providing neurotherapy/neurofeedback, biofeedback, and psychotherapy to the Roseville and greater Sacramento areas.
-Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY17630
-Board Certified in Neurofeedback, E6359
-Quantitative Electroencephalograhy Diplomate, D-0171​
1891 East Roseville Parkway, Suite 100, Roseville CA 95661
(916) 789-7082 ext. 306

Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and what was once called Aspergers Disorder, experience varied symptoms. Challenges with social reciprocity and engagement, sensory processing, sensory motor integration, emotional dysregulation, problems with behavioral modulation, high distractibility, low attention span, and speech/communication difficulties may hinder daily living and functioning. Neurofeedback uses safe, painless, and non-invasive technology to modify the amplitude of brain waves while improving connectivity and communication within the brain to reduce problematic symptoms. Neurofeedback shows promise when added to a multidisciplinary approach by improving emotional modulation, attention span, and sensory integration. While neurofeedback is not a cure for ASD, it can useful in improving functioning for those on the Autistic Spectrum.

Those on the autistic spectrum often have had a series of tests to conform the diagnosis. However,, for those who are suspected of being at the mild level of Autistic Spectrum (often referred to as Aspergers Syndrome) may undergo testing to confirm the diagnosis. Once a diagnosis is determined, a qEEG may be conducted to determine the unique picture of neural functioning for that person.
With a certainty of diagnosis, symptoms may be targeted. The qEEG can be used to identify areas of the brain that can be a target of neurofeedback. With your agreement, the physician may receive a copy of the qEEG and psychological testing report as well. Many individuals on the autistic spectrum are able to improve emotional regulation and sensory integration with the use of neurofeedback.
Once the planning stage is complete, biofeedback, neurofeedback and psychotherapy will commence. Often this will begin with breath and heart rate training known as HRV. Practicing increasing the amplitude of some frequencies while lowering the amplitude of others at particular sites is a common beginning of neruotherapy. Other forms of neurofeedback may be used to improve regional and network neurological functioning. Lastly, more traditional forms of psychotherapy may be provided to address emotional and behavioral challenges experienced by those on the autistic spectrum.